Dalton Barracks is part of the Defence Estate Optimisation Portfolio (DEO).

In 2016 the Ministry of Defence (MOD) embarked on the single biggest estates change programme within Defence.

The MOD is investing £5.1bn in a better structured, modern, more sustainable estate to support military capability, improve security and resilience. This is aligned with the future capability requirements and force structures set out in Future Soldier which plans for a more agile Army.

The DIO is delivering this programme of change on behalf of the MOD. Dalton Barracks (main site) will cease military outputs in 2031 and be vacated. The former airfield is already gradually becoming less used for military purposes.

The story so far…

Opportunity & constraints

In collaboration with Vale of White Horse District Council and other stakeholders, the constraints and opportunities for the site and its surrounding context were considered. The site offers a unique opportunity to develop a sustainable new community. The DIO is committed to ensuring that once the MOD departs, the site is used
in a meaningful and beneficial way, enriching the local community that has supported our military presence at Dalton Barracks over the past century.

Developing the concept – previous consultation

Following an ongoing review of the constraints and opportunities, a series of design concepts were developed during 2018 around the prospect of delivering a vibrant, sustainable community, based on Garden Village Principles.

Awarded Garden village status

In 2019, the site at Dalton Barracks was accepted into the Garden Village Communities programme by the Government, as a Garden Village. This enabled capacity funding to be released to Vale of White Horse District Council by Homes England.

This funds the Council’s staffing and engagement costs to help support the work of the DIO and engagement of the wider local community & stakeholders in taking forward the plans for the Garden Village.

Allocation for development

The Vale of White Horse District Council Local Plan for the period to 2031 was adopted by the Council in 2019. The adopted Local Plan includes the Strategic Housing Allocation policy, designating the southern half of the former airfield being suitable and required for development of 1,200 new homes.

Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Adopted

Vale of White Horse District Council consulted on and adopted in April 2022 a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for Dalton Barracks. This set out the design requirements to ensure that an exemplar, high quality development is delivered. The Vision and Design Principles we are now consulting on build upon and update the work done by the Council in preparing the Supplementary Planning Document.

Preparation of Site Wide Comprehensive Masterplan

The Defence Infrastructure Organisation have now commenced a four stage public consultation and engagement programme to support development of a site wide comprehensive masterplan, and outline planning application for the first phase of Dalton Barracks Garden Village.

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