A sustainable, and inclusive mixed-use development, with a vibrant community that reflects the past and looks to the future, developed on Garden Village Principles

The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) is progressing proposals for a new development at Dalton Barracks. This long-term, phased project aims to create a new community, aligning with local plan policies to facilitate a substantial residential-led development.

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Shippon, Nr Abingdon, Oxfordshire

288 hectares of former military establishment land

Supporting New & Existing Communities

At the heart of Science Vale UK, part of the knowledge sector that will support 1 in 6 of future jobs

Active travel links into Abingdon

Amid the largest concentration of research and development activity in Western Europe

2031 Dalton Barracks (main site) closes


A place to live work and play

Leisure facilities

Community spaces

Improved local transport links

Over 250 acres of parkland

c. 5,250 Sustainable new homes

40% Affordable homes

Local employment

New primary schools

New secondary school

A well-designed place

Support the health, happiness and wellbeing of the people who will live, work and spend time here.

A culture of walking and cycling
Accessible & inclusive
Designed with nature in mind
Protecting resources
Low-car design
A place to start and a place to stay


We have organised our core design principles into five placemaking themes

These cover the three core themes of the National Design Guide, Character, Climate & Community that encompassing all the ten characteristics of well-designed places, with additional focused themes on Identity and Movement, which are especially important to the Dalton Barracks vision.


Placemaking and Design


Nature, Public Space
and Sustainability


People, Homes
and Mixed Uses


Cultural Heritage
and Identity


Access, Movement
and Connectivity


Placemaking and Design
  • Three local centres at the heart of each neighbourhood
  • High quality buildings and residences
  • Multi-use spaces for community events, markets and performances
  • High quality public realm with retained and new tree planting


Nature, Public Space and Sustainability
  • Provision of over 100 hectares (or approximately 250 acres) of parkland and green space
  • Net biodiversity gain for wildlife with new habitat creation and protection of Dry Sandford Pit Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
  • Aspiration to achieve Net Zero Carbon during construction and operation
  • Community orchards and allotments


People, Homes and Mixed Uses
  • Mixed use centres supporting the community, including potential retention of medical centre for wider community use
  • Providing up to 5,250 homes which includes a substantial amount of affordable housing
  • Creation of new employment opportunities
  • Provision of new primary and secondary schools


Access, Movement and Connectivity
  • Promotion of extensive new footways and cycleways throughout the site
  • Off-site improvements to the exiting highways infrastructure
  • Enhanced bus services
  • Provision of multi-modal transport hubs to encourage active travel by means other than by private car


Cultural Heritage and Identity
  • Retention of some buildings and features to reflect military history
  • Full record of the current site features prior to demolitions, with consideration of public interaction with how the site looks now in virtual reality
  • Restoration of historic routes severed by the imposition of the military base, improving walking and cycling connectivity
  • Opening up the site for public recreation and enjoyment


The timeline is subject to change but represents our intention for the next step to delivery of new homes alongside closure of the Barracks (main site).


We want everyone with an interest in the area – including local people, businesses and organisations, as well as local political and community representatives – to help shape the proposals for Dalton Barracks

Join us at our consultations to find out more, help us check our understanding, and engage with us to shape the masterplan. Also, place your comments and ideas on our Interactive Map, and see what others are saying.

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